The company provides over 100 lab tests that include all of the ASTM international building standards.
The cutting edge science and technology behind them will allow every project to start with firm pace, knowing the possibilities, scopes and limits of the soils used for construction.

Tests carried out in Tecnilab
- Land
- Field Density
- Rocks
- Geotechnical
- Additives
- Concrete
- Cement and Mortar
- Steel
- Asphalt Roads
- Materials
- Pavement
Standard: ASTM D 2216
Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
Standard: ASTM D 422
Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
Standard: ASTM D 6913
Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis
Standard: ASTM D 1140
Amount of Material Finer than 75-m (No. 200)
Standard: ASTM D 4318
Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils
Standard: ASTM D 427
Shrinkage Factors of Soils
Standard: ASTM D 698
Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Standard: ASTM D 1557
Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Standard: ASTM D 2850
Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression
Standard: ASTM D 4767
Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression
Standard: ASTM D 7181
Consolidated Drained Triaxial Compression
Standard: ASTM D 3080
Direct Shear Test of Soils
Standard: ASTM D 6528
Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions
Standard: ASTM D 2166
Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil
Standard: ASTM D 2435
Consolidation Properties of Soils
Standard: ASTM D 2434
Permeability of Granular Soils
Combination Permeability / Permeability Test
Permeability test in soils with Guelph Type Permeameter
Standard: ASTM D 5084
Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter
Standard: ASTM D 4647
Identification and Classification of Dispersive Clay Soils by the Pinhole Test
Standard: ASTM D 4829
Expansion Index of Soils
Standard: ASTM D 854
Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Water Pycnometer
Standard: ASTM G 57
Soil Resistivity Test (Field)
Standard: ASTM G 187
Soil Resistivity Test (Laboratory)
Standard: ASTM D 4253
Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table
Standard: ASTM D 4254
Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density
Standard: ASTM D 4546
One-Dimensional Swell or Collapse of Soils
Standard: ASTM D 4648
Miniature Vane Shear Test
Standard: ASTM D 1556
Cone and Sand
Standard: ASTM D 6938
Nuclear Densimeter
Standard: ASTM D 1883
Laboratory CBR
Standard: ASTM D 4429
Field CBR
Standard: ASTM D 5874
Clegg test to Determine CBR
Standard: ASTM D 1195
Repetitive Plate Load Test
Standard: ASTM D 1196
Non-repetitive Plate load test
Standard: ASTM D 2573
Field Weather Vane Test
Standard: ASTM D 4944
Speedy Test to Determine Moisture in the Field
Standard: ASTM D 2487
Soil Classification
Percolation tests
Pocket Penetrometer
Soil Strenght Classifier
Standard: ASTM D 6951
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer ( DCP )
Standard: ASTM D 4972
Standard: ASTM D 7012
Unconfined Compression to Rock Witness
Standard: ASTM D 7012
Unconfined Compression to Banded Rock Witness
Standard: ASTM D 7012
Triaxial Compression in Rock
Standard: ASTM D 5731
Point Load Test (PLT)
Standard: ASTM D 5607
Direct Cut in Rock
Standard: ASTM D 4644
Slake Type Durability Test
Standard: ASTM D 3967
Brazilian Rock Test (Split Tensile Strength)
Standard: ASTM D 7400
Downhole Seismic Test
Lefranc Type Soil Permeability Test
Standard: ASTM D 4719
Pressuremeter Testing
Lugeon Type Rock Permeability Test
Standard: UNE 103.801
DPSH Dynamic Penetration Test
Standard: ASTM D 4971
Goodman Jack Test
Standard: ASTM D 5778
Cone Penetration Test (CPTU)
Standard: ASTM C 29
Loose and Rodged Unit Weight
Standard: BS-812
Determination of Flattening and Lengthening Index
Standard: ASTM D 5821
Split Faces Trial
Standard: ASTM C 131
Los Angeles Wear
Standard: ASTM C 535
Los Angeles Wear (Oversized Aggregates)
Standard: ASTM C 127
Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
Standard: ASTM C 128
Specific Gravity and Fine Aggregate Absorption
Standard: ASTM C 88
Solidity by Sodium or Magnesium Sulfate
Standard: ASTM C 136
Sieve Analysis
Standard: ASTM C 40
Determination of Organic Impurity
Standard: ASTM D 2419
Equivalent of Sand
Moh Scale Hardness Index
Standard: ASTM C 117
Sieve 200
Standard: ASTM C 142
Clay Lumps
Standard: ASTM D 6928
Standard: ASTM C 31 / ASTM C 172
Sampling and Curing of Concrete Samples in the Field
Standard: ASTM C 143
Slump Test
Standard: ASTM C 1064
Concrete Temperature Measurement
Standard: ASTM C 173
Air Content by the Volumetric Method
Standard: ASTM C 231
Air Content by Pressure Method
Standard: ASTM C 39
Compression Testing of Concrete Cylinders
Standard: ASTM C 78
Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading)
Standard: ASTM C 805
Sclerometer Test
Standard: ASTM C 42
Court and Trial of Concrete Witnesses
Standard: ASTM C 360
Penetration in Concert through the Kelly Ball
Standard: AASHTO T-199
Chance Type Air Indicator
Standard: ASTM C-597
Ultrasound test
Standard: ASTM C 1610
Self Compacting Concrete Settlement Measurement
Standard: ASTM C 1611
Static Segregation of Self-Compacting Concrete - Technique of Column
Standard: ASTM C 1621
Test method for concrete throughput capacity J Ring Self Compacting
Standard: ASTM C 469
Elastic Modulus and Poisson Ratio of Compressed Concrete
Standard: ASTM C 1260
Alkaline Reactivity Test
Standard: ASTM C 109
Mortar Cubes Test
Standard: ASTM C 191
Vicat test
Standard: ASTM C 230
Use of Cement Flow Table
Standard: ASTM C 939
Mortar Flow (Flow Cone Method)
Marsh Cone and Sludge Scale
Standard: ASTM A 615/ ASTM A 706
Tension, Bar Folding and Measurements Tests
Standard: ASTM A 82
Tests for Steel Wiring
Standard: ASTM C 876
Uncoated Corrodation Potential of Reinforcement Steel in Concrete
Steel Detection
Standard: ASTM D 6927
Asphalt Mix Analysis (Marshall Test)
Standard: ASTM D 2041
Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity
Standard: ASTM D 2950
Density on Asphalt
Standard: ASTM C 140, ASTM C 129
Masonry Compression and Absorption Tests
Standard: ASTM C 67
Compression, Cobblestone
Flexion and Absorption Tests.
Standard: ASTM D 4602
Test with Benkelman Beam.